Round-leaved Sundew

Round-leaved Sundew
Round-leaved Sundew original painting.
Acrylic ink on paper, framed with glass.
Painting size 8” x 10”
Frame size 14.4” x 11.5”
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The Round-leaved Sundew, Drosera rotundifolia are carnivorous plants that grow in the soggy shoreline of ponds and wetlands. Their leaves have a number of sticky dew covered tendrils that trap insects. The leaf slowly closes on the trapped insect, allowing the plant to digesting it. Mosquitos, including the Cool Weather Mosquito, Culiseta incidens are abundant in the habitat and are common food for the Round-leaved Sundew. Their flowers bloom high above the predacious leaves which enables pollinating insects to visit the plant.
Original paintings may have slight marks on the paper outside of the painted image. I do my best to keep them clean while working and only select the pieces that are white clean. A minimal mark from an eraser is sometimes visible.