A collection of some of the Okanagan’s flowering plants. The Okanagan Interior and its arid climate host an array of flowering plants in its open Grassland, Pine and mixed Conifer forests. The plants featured in this print mark the beginning of the season with the Sagebrush Buttercup to mid summer with the Lilies. Most plants bloom in the Spring and Early Summer when the rain and snow melt bring moisture to the dry landscape, before the peak heat of the summer.
Species Index :
1. Chocolate Lily- Fritillaria affinis
2. Sagebrush Mariposa Lily - Calochortus macrocarpus
3. Tiger Lily - Lilium columbianum
4. Western Springbeauty - Claytonia lanceolata
5. Silky Lupine - Lupinus sericeus
6. Showy milkweed - Asclepias speciosa
7. Bitterroot - lewisia rediviva
8. Sagebrush Buttercup - Ranunculus glaberrimus
9. Few-flowered Shootingstar - Dodecatheon pulchellum
10. Arrowleaf Balsamroot - Balsamorhiza sagittata
Printed on 100% Post Consumer Waste Recycled paper. Exterior size is 12” x 16” with an interior image size of 11” x 15”.